We all know that to be healthy we’ve got to exercise regularly. But do some people take exercise too far? How much exercise is too much? It is entirely possible to become addicted to exercise. In fact, it is estimated that 3% of regular gym-goers are exercise addicts. But this number can change dramatically depending […]
Sit/Stand Desks – Are They Good Or Bad?
You have probably noticed over the last few years that the popularity of sitting/standing desks has really taken off. In fact, sales of standing desks have soared in recent years, and in many cases their sales have far outpaced those of conventional desks. You may have even read an article or two outlining the benefits […]
Tips for Staying Healthy While Working from Home
For some people, working from home is a normal routine. This is, after all, the gig economy, and many people have been freelancing, making a living from their home office for many years now. But for others, working from home is a completely new phenomenon brought about by the global pandemic. For this second group […]
4 Stay-Fit Tips for People Who Hate Exercise
Hate exercising? You’re definitely not alone. It seems that each year, millions of people around the country start off with good intentions, committing to an exercise plan, only to quit completely a few weeks later. Look, we understand, exercising is not easy. It’s hard work, but it’s hard work that’s really important for your health […]
Yes, Virginia, You Can Learn to Love… Okay Like, Exercise
Hate exercising? You’re definitely not alone. At any time during the year, thousands of people across the country commit to working out, only to fall off the wagon weeks later. So what gives? Why does exercising feel so hard and is there any possible way to like it more? Exercise feels like a chore because […]