Fall is the perfect time of year to hop on your bike and go for a spin as temps are not too hot and not too cold in most parts of the country. There are many benefits of cycling for both one’s physical and mental health so more and more people are giving it a […]
Celebrating Veggies and Mental Health – 12 Veggies in Season to Try to Consume Consciously
Did you know that there is a National Fresh Veggies Day? The holiday was started to help create awareness about the benefits of eating fresh vegetables. These days, many people opt to eat process or fast foods, neglecting to get enough servings of veggies that offer the nutrients they need to be healthy. The more […]
Eating for Well-Being Instead of Weight Loss
In case you haven’t heard, dieting doesn’t work. I don’t think there is one case of someone going on a diet, getting healthier (not just skinnier) and being able to maintain that diet over time. Despite perhaps losing some initial weight, the dieter will eventually throw in the towel and gain all the weight back […]
What is the Proper Nutrition for Men’s Optimal Health?
Men and women are very different. From how we think to communicate to prioritize. We are also incredibly different when it comes to our nutritional needs. In general, men are bigger and have more muscle mass. They also have their own set of hormonal levels to hit on a daily basis. Because of these factors […]
Body-Positive Weight Management
Body positivity is a movement started by the idea that all human beings, regardless of their size, should feel good about themselves. Body positive advocates encourage others to celebrate their bodies and accept themselves the way they are, instead of trying to squeeze themselves into a physical mold that society has deemed “attractive.” But is […]
Waste Free Cooking for 2022
For most of us, food is not only something that sustains us: it’s something we use to connect with others and celebrate life’s joyous moments. Yet for all of its positives, food can also cause some of our anxiety, particularly when it comes to waste. The good news is there are many creative solutions being […]
How Your Diet Can Affect Mood, Cognition, And Sleep
Most of us are aware that what we eat can affect our waistline. But did you know that the foods you eat can also impact your brain, which means they can affect your mood, cognition, and sleep? Think of Your Brain Like an Expensive Car Cars need fuel to operate. Some cars do fine no […]
What is Mindful Eating?
In recent decades, mindfulness meditation has taken the West by storm. As a result, more and more people are experiencing less stress and more fulfillment in their life by “staying in the moment.” Well, mindfulness can be applied to any area of your life, including eating! You may have heard of mindful eating before and […]
How to Help Your Kids Develop Healthy Habits
Every parent wants their child to grow up to be as healthy as possible. Sadly, rates of childhood obesity in this country have skyrocketed, increasing over 800% since 1982. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obese youths have a far more likely chance of developing heart disease and high cholesterol as they […]
3 Delicious Brain Foods to Keep Your Mind Healthy
When you think about it, your brain is a pretty important organ. In fact, it’s like the CEO of your body’s corporation. So it’s important you do all you can to keep it healthy and working optimally. When it comes to the health of our brain, diet cannot be overlooked. There are certain foods that […]