Regardless of the status of your relationship, or if you are not currently involved, there is no reason to not have a love life… Take a moment to think about the relationships in your life, including the one with your Self… How do you do Love? How do you show others you care? How do you invest in your relationships? How do you pamper your Partner? How do you pamper your Self? Take note of where you would like to add more nurturing and think on what that would look like. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy – giving certain people you love more attention is all it takes. Decide what form of attention you want to give and create a recurring behavior you’ll do to that end. When you Give (unconditional) love, you actually also Receive love… Go ahead, fill your life with Love!
Sometimes it’s hard to Give when we are feeling down, deprived, exhausted, triggered, and such. This is when it’s especially important for us to turn our own self around. Don’t wait for another to do something different so you feel better! You are in charge of your own feelings… You have the power to make yourself feel better regardless of your circumstances… You have the power to choose how you feel. You decide how you want to Be. Your partner eventually catches up… This is hard to do if you continue to love conditionally… and if you wait for your partner to be different… It’s not about having the right partner after all… You decide what kind of partner YOU want to be, and go for it!
Self-care, love, connection, and fun are all part of the journey to becoming the best version of you! Cheers!